Base line matcher

class limap.line2d.base_matcher.BaseMatcher(extractor, options=BaseMatcherOptions(topk=10, n_neighbors=20, n_jobs=1, weight_path=None))

Bases: object

Virtual class for line matcher

get_match_filename(matches_folder, idx)

Return the filename of the matches specified by an image id

  • matches_folder (str) – The output matching folder

  • idx (int) – image id


Return the folder path to the output matches


output_folder (str) – The output folder


The path to the saved matches

Return type:

path_to_matches (str)


Virtual method (need to be implemented) - return the name of the module

match_all_exhaustive_pairs(output_folder, image_ids, descinfo_folder, skip_exists=False)

Match all images exhaustively

  • output_folder (str) – The output folder

  • image_ids (list[int]) – list of image ids

  • descinfo_folder (str) – The folder storing all the descriptors

  • skip_exists (bool) – Whether to skip already processed images


The output matching folder

Return type:


match_all_neighbors(output_folder, image_ids, neighbors, descinfo_folder, skip_exists=False)

Match all images with its visual neighbors

  • output_folder (str) – The output folder

  • image_ids (list[int]) – list of image ids

  • neighbors (dict[int -> list[int]]) – visual neighbors for each image

  • descinfo_folder (str) – The folder storing all the descriptors

  • skip_exists (bool) – Whether to skip already processed images


The output matching folder

Return type:


match_pair(descinfo1, descinfo2)

Virtual method (need to be implemented) - match two set of lines based on the descriptors

read_match(matches_folder, idx)

Read the matches for one image with its neighbors

  • matches_folder (str) – The output matching folder

  • idx (int) – image id


The output matches for each neighboring image, each with shape (N, 2)

Return type:

matches (dict[int -> np.array])

save_match(matches_folder, idx, matches)

Save the output matches from one image to its neighbors

  • matches_folder (str) – The output matching folder

  • idx (int) – image id

  • matches (dict[int -> np.array]) – The output matches for each neighboring image, each with shape (N, 2)

namedtuple limap.line2d.base_matcher.BaseMatcherOptions(topk: int = 10, n_neighbors: int = 20, n_jobs: int = 1, weight_path: str | None = None)

Bases: NamedTuple

Base options for the line matcher

  1.  topk (int) – number of top matches for each line (if equal to 0, do mutual nearest neighbor matching)

  2.  n_neighbors (int) – number of visual neighbors, only for naming the output folder

  3.  n_jobs (int) – number of jobs at multi-processing (please make sure not to exceed the GPU memory limit with learning methods)

  4.  weight_path (str) – specify path to load weights (at default, weights will be downloaded to ~/.local)

static __new__(_cls, topk: int = 10, n_neighbors: int = 20, n_jobs: int = 1, weight_path: str | None = None)

Create new instance of BaseMatcherOptions(topk, n_neighbors, n_jobs, weight_path)