Line mapping

Line mapping on a set of posed images

As one of the main features, LIMAP supports line reconstruction on a set of posed images, optionally with assistance of the point-based SfM model or the depth map. We support to use the poses directly from COLMAP, Bundler or VisualSfM. One can also use customized poses and intrinsics with the main interface limap.runners.line_triangulation() API by constructing a limap.base.ImageCollection instance as the input.

To give some references, one can construct the limap.base.ImageCollection instance as in Example for Hypersim or in Example for COLMAP.

Here shows a minimal example on running line mapping on the constructed input:

global imagecols # construct your own imagecols by setting up the intrinsics and extrinsics
import limap.util.config
import limap.runners
import limap.visualize
cfg = limap.util.config.load_config("cfgs/triangulation/default.yaml") # load the example config
cfg["output_dir"] = "outputs/TBA" # specify an output directory
linetracks = limap.runners.line_triangulation(cfg, imagecols, neighbors=None, ranges=None) # run mapping, you can also specify visual neighboring information if applicable (for example, in a video stream you can use the sequential timestamps to construct visual neighbors)
# visualize
visualizer = limap.visualize.Open3DTrackVisualizer(linetracks)
visualizer.vis_reconstruction(imagecols, n_visibile_views=4)

All the output and intermediate data will be stored at the specified output directory.

Line mapping on a set of unposed images by running COLMAP first

To run the line mapping on a set of unposed images, we now suggest to run COLMAP first to get the poses. Specifically, first pose the images with COLMAP following the guide here. Then, use the COLMAP interface in LIMAP to build 3D line maps by:

python runners/ -c ${CONFIG_FILE} -a ${COLMAP_FOLDER} --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR}

And the line maps will be stored in the specified output folder. To use point SfM to improve robustness, add additional option --triangulation.use_pointsfm.enable --triangulation.use_pointsfm.colmap_folder ${COLMAP_FOLDER} in the end of the command.

The interface for Bundler, VisualSfM and other datasets are all stored in the runners folder, building on top of the main interface limap.runners.line_triangulation() API.

Using auxiliary depth maps

To use auxiliary depth information, we can run line reconstruction with the limap.runners.line_fitnmerge() API. One needs to write a customized depth loader inheriting limap.base.depth_reader_base.BaseDepthReader. An example on Hypersim dataset is provided here. Each depth loader consists of the file name of the depth image and its width, height and other information, along with the method for loading.