Main function: hybrid localization
- limap.runners.line_localization.line_localization(cfg, imagecols_db, imagecols_query, point_corresp, linemap_db, retrieval, results_path, img_name_dict=None, logger=None)
Run visual localization on query images with imagecols, it takes 2D-3D point correspondences from HLoc; runs line matching using 2D line matcher (“epipolar” for Gao et al. “Pose Refinement with Joint Optimization of Visual Points and Lines”); calls
to estimate the absolute camera pose for all query images, and writes results in results file in results_path.- Parameters:
cfg (dict) – Configuration, fields refer to
imagecols_db (
) – Image collection of database images, with triangulated camera posesimagecols_query (
) – Image collection of query images, camera poses only used for epipolar matcher/filter as coarse poses, can be left uninitialized otherwiselinemap_db (list[
]) – LIMAP triangulated/fitted line tracksretrieval (dict) – Mapping of query image file path to list of neighbor image file paths, e.g. returned from
results_path (str | Path) – File path to write the localization results
img_name_dict (dict, optional) – Mapping of query image IDs to the image file path, by default the image names from imagecols
logger (
, optional) – Logger to print logs for information
- Returns:
Mapping of query image IDs to the localized camera poses for all query images.
- Return type:
Dict[int ->